Why Divorce is an Investment in Yourself

By Nanda Davis on
Why Divorce is an Investment in Yourself

Consider your divorce as a positive investment in yourself and your future. Just like any other investment in yourself, such as getting an education or getting in shape, a divorce takes time, energy, and money. In all of these instances, it’s often true you get out what you put into it. If  you want to increase your strength and endurance, you might hire a personal trainer or put in consistent time at the gym. If you want to pursue a new career, you might take out loans to pay for college or spend hours studying. A divorce also requires a commitment of time, energy, and money.

Take Advantage of Your Opportunity

Unlike getting an education or trying to get in shape, you have only one opportunity to get what you need for your future from your divorce. The outcome in a divorce case can permanently affect your relationship with your children, your cash flow, your assets, and your ability to retire. Once the divorce is final, you can’t simply come back and make a case for why you need something to be different. So it’s important you plan to capitalize on your opportunity.

Commit to the Process

For many of my clients, investing in themselves does not come naturally. It’s common for clients, as the primary breadwinners in the family, to put their jobs and the financial security of the family above their health and happiness. I also have many clients who have been so busy caring for children and/or aging parents that they have not had the luxury of considering what their own needs may be. Your investment into your divorce requires a whole new level of commitment and the process is difficult for most people. I help guide my clients through this demanding process, and have seen how much better their lives can be after the divorce.

Put Yourself First

It’s very rewarding to see clients consider for the first time what their new life may look like after they remove themselves from a toxic relationship and to see their confidence grow. Yes, it’s important to nurture your children and honor your commitments but it eventually becomes impossible to do it all if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Use this time and your divorce to invest in yourself. Give yourself permission to dream big. Give yourself permission to prioritize you.